2016 Summer Services at USH

Dear all-

While we are away, we have a fantastic line up of worship services & religious education every Sunday at 10:30am! Our summer is organized around the Six Sources of our faith (a companion to the 7 principles). As UUs, we draw inspiration for our faith not just from one sacred text, but from many sources. While the adults focus on the sources in worship, our children will explore them through interactive activities and play in the garden. Pi-Hsun Shih will be our Summer Accompanist. If you’re in town, you won’t want to miss these Sundays!
Summer Worship Schedule, 10:30am every Sunday.



September 4 – “On Joy” – Patrice Fitzgerald and Richard Leslie with Rick Tsukada



September 18 – Ingathering Sunday and Water Communion – Co-ministers with John Brancato
Remember to gather some water representing your summertime reflections and refreshments, whether they be at your own sink, a nearby park, or someplace far away, symbolic, or particularly meaningful.



In addition to worship over the summer, there will be a Small Group Ministry beginning July 12th, and other ongoing programs like Dinner & a Movie, Young Adult brunches, and Ballroom Dance. Watch your E-News for full details!


While the Revs are away
During the summer, please contact us by phone if someone is in the hospital or otherwise significant things come up, and please hold your non-urgent communication until we’re fully back August 30th. Rev Cathy will be completely off of email, and Rev Heather will only be checking email periodically. Rev Cathy: 541-390-7553, Rev. Heather: 541-390-6052, revheather@ushartford.com.
If you’d like Caring Network support or have a joy or sorrow to be shared in worship while we’re away, please contact Caring Network Co-Chairs Eve Pech (elpech@sbcglobal.net, 860-379-5035) or Janice Newton (janicecnewton@gmail.com, 860-335-3742).
May you find ease in the long days.
May you delight in the sounds of birdcalls and relax in the cool fans’ whir.
May you laugh like a bubbling stream.
May you rest well on the hot nights.
May you find what you need this summer.
With love,
Revs. Cathy & Heather
PS. Remember to collect some water during the summer and bring it to our Ingathering Water Communion service on Sunday, September 18th!