When to Call the Minister?*

A Note from the Revs

March, 2018

Dear USH members and friends,

For the past month RevCathy and I have been going to the Stewardship Gatherings that over a dozen of you have hosted in your homes, open to all who wonderfully chose to sign-up and attend. It’s been a true gift to get to visit you in homes we’ve been to before and those we haven’t been to before — it’s such a wonderful opportunity to get to see your photographs and art and get a better sense of you and the rest of your lives outside USH. And it’s reminded us that sometimes you don’t know how eager we are to know you well. Please, if there is something on your mind and heart that you’ve contemplated sharing with us but have hesitated because you’re just not sure if we’re interested, know that we are! Relationship with you is a huge part of our calling into ministry. And so I was moved to dig up this oldie-but-a-goodie of Unitarian Universalist church newsletter columns, and I am sharing it with you below–even if you’ve read it before, it warrants a re-reading, and a sharing amongst your circle of friends. These days, you can also reach out to us by text, Facebook Messenger, e-mail, or letter in our church inbox. By whatever means, we enjoy hearing from you.

When to Call the Minister?*

When you haven’t met us yet, but would like to.
When you have problems to discuss—about anything.
When a sympathetic ear might help.
When you’re going into the hospital or know someone else who is.
When someone close to you dies or is critically ill.
When you’re planning to be married, or might need to be.
When you return from vacation.
When your daughter graduates from college.
When you have a child to be dedicated.
When you’re pregnant but wish you weren’t.
When you’ve been arrested, or ought to be.
When you want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism.
When you’re scared.
When you’d like to make a bequest to the church.
When your adult child gets a big promotion.
When you’re considering joining the congregation.
When you’d like to show us what a good cook you are!
When a friend of your’s wants to know more about our faith.
When you have suggestions about the programs for the church.
When you have suggestions for a sermon or about the worship services.
When you’d like to help with committee work or congregational activities.
When you want to discuss community issues or would like our involvement.
When you’re mad at one or both of us.
When you’d like to talk religion with one of us.

RevHeather’s additions:

When there’s just something you wish we knew about you, your life,

or your struggles.

When you want to tell us something you think we should know about

the history of USH, or what keeps you coming back to USH.

When you have an idea for something you’d like to make happen at USH

but aren’t sure how to go about it.

When you want to share with us something you love about Connecticut!

*“When To Call The Minister” has been recreated and revised, attributed and mis–attributed, over the years, as things in newsletters often are. Universalist minister Peter Lee Scott wrote the original for the Elm City Universalist Church in New Haven, CT in 1957. He reports being amazed and amused to see it appear in so many other newsletters.